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Message Board > There goes my hero...his name is Shawn

So true to form I misplaced the address info forever, only to find recently that I had purposefully stowed it in my wallet so that I wouldn't lose it, or worse, do something stupid like think I lost it! Anyways, all of that is to say that the first letters are in the mail, but since I was informed that that could take a while, I found the forms of electronic contact to be very advantageous.
I will begin by saying that your presence has been rather sorely missed around these parts. Just two weekends ago, I met John in DC and we took a road trip to the Shoop Shoop residence at JMU. John will have his own stories to share Im sure, but the first day consisted of plummiting to the water covered earthy from sixty foot cliffs. In true Joey fashion I couldn't convince my body, despite the extremely long fall, to stop assuming the canopener position. So by the end of the day I had bruises from my infamous ass crack to the back of my knees. Totally sweet! We topped off the weekend with some good ole fashion beer pong and hardcore boozin. But all the while we joked about WWPBDD (What would PBD Do for the lazier ones in the group). I can only imagined your gangly ass jumping off of the 60 foot cliff...NOOOOOOOOOOB!
So it sounds like the adventures of a peace corp kid have been rather exciting. I was particularly entertained by the fact that you picked up lil african kids doodoo and threw it into your compost heap, all the time thinking how much more enlightened you were. LOL! If thats not karma I dont know what is. I think your bathroom design sound great by the way, you may want to try a tray of sea shells for the back of the toilet if you can locate any, perhaps some fresh flowers for a spiced up scent. Or you could just meet with your local interior decorator.
Well I think that's all for now, but there will be much more from this point on. Keep it real playa!!

July 11, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterJoey
Well HELLLOO. I had just about given you up for The Dark Side. I know law school has that effect on some people. I'm looking forward to some letters. And to make up for being a total noob about my address, I expect them to contain only money. And maybe some fun pictures of your girlfriend too. Righto.
GG. Shawn
July 25, 2005 | Registered CommenterShawn Peabody